National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United Kingdom
includes the following:
Administrative Information and Guidance
Members of the UK Bah�'� Community should contact the National Office
for details of the username and password required to access this site.
Communities, Publications, and Service Bodies
(Also covered by this site's UK REGIONAL and LOCAL
Communities, and SERVICE BODIES)
General Information
Includes, also, a feedback/information request form
Selections from the Bah�'� Holy Writings, including
Stance and Discussion Papers.
National Sub-Office �
Bridge House (3Fl), 97-101 High St, Tonbridge, Kent TN9 1DP
Agenda 21
The Agenda 21 - Sustainable Development project of the Bah�'�s of the UK. Contains information and resources,
with access to a lot more.
Bah�'� Future Site
Making sense of the 21st century and its effect on us all (was the Millenniun Site).
Bah�'� International Community
A description of the work of the Bah�'� International Community at the United Nations. It links on to the BIC's
extensive archive of statements on many matters of public interest and concern, available in a number of languages.
Directions to the Resting Place of Shoghi Effendi
Directions to the UK National Bah�'� Centre
First Bah�'� House of Worship
Information on the Mother Temple of Europe, near Frankfurt, Germany, including directions and accommodation information.
The best of the material brought together for the Centenary Website of the Bah�'� Faith in the United Kingdom.
A unique collection of documents and pictures inspired by a community's growth in the Faith.
Multifaith Centre
Multi-Faith Project of the University of Derby (supported by the Baha'i Community)
