Sgriobtuirean Creidimh nam Bah�-i

Bah�'u'll�hAn introduction to His life and teachings
Introduction to the Bah�'� Faithin Scottish Gaelic with English translation
Na Briathran Falaichte / Na Briathra FolaitheThe Hidden Words of Bah�'u'll�h
Taghadh bho Sgriogtuirean Creidimh nam Bah�-iBah�'u'll�h agus 'Abdu'l-Bah�
Other Translations Prayers in Scottish and Irish Gaelic with the English source alongside
Note: I am not a Gaelic speaker (or reader, for that matter), so I would be most grateful to receive details of any
typographical errors in these pages. Especially important are the accented vowels as
there are inconsistencies in my source text.
Tha mi tabhairt fianuis, O mo Dhia, gun do chruthaich Thu mi a chum 's gun tuiginn Thu is gun deanainn aoradh Dhuit. Aig a' cheart �m so, tha mi tabhairt flanuis air ma lag-ch�iseachd, agus air do chumachd, air m' ainnis agus air Do shaibhreas.
    Chan 'eil Dia eile ann ach Thu, Cobhair ann an g�bhadh, am F�in-Fhoghainteachd.
Bah�'u'll�h (Urnighean nam Bah�)
Tugaim fianaise, a Dhia, gur chruthaigh t� m� chun th� a aithint agus a adhradh. Dearbha�m san am seo mo neamh�ifeacht agus do Neart, mo bhochtaineacht agus do Shaibhreas.
    Nil Dia ar bith eile ann ach t�, an C�nt�ir i mBaol, an F�inChothaitheach.
I bear witness, O my God, that Thou hast created me to know Thee and to worship Thee. I testify, at this moment, to my powerlessness and to Thy might, to my poverty and to Thy wealth.
    There is none other God but Thee, the Help in Peril, the Self-Subsisting.
Bah�'u'll�h (Bah�'� Prayers)