from Communication, published by the Spiritual Assembly of the Bah�'�s of the Western Isles | ||
Tha na Bah�'�s a' creidsinn ann an Dia. Tha iad a' creisdsinn gu bheil Dia uile-chumhachdach agus gu bheil e foiliseachadh A thoil do'n chinne-daonna bho linn gu linn. Tha A theagaisgean air lirigeadh dhuinn troimh "theachdairean" no "foillsichidhean" Dh� air thalaimh. |
Bah�'�s believe in God. They believe that God is Omnipotent and Unknowable and that He reveals His will to man from age to age. His teachings are given to us through "Messengers" or "Manifestations" of God on Earth. |
Tha na Bah�'�s a' creidsinn gur e Bah�'u'll�h teachdaire Dh� do'n linn seo, Fear-a-Gheallaidh roimh-innse ann an sgriobtuirean nan uile chreidhimh. Chan e aon chreud eile tha seo gu bhith ri chur ri uile chreudan eas-aonaichte an domhain, ach ath-aithris air na firinnean mhaireannach air a bheil na h-uile chreidimh air an st�idheachadh; feart aonaidh gu bith dusgadh neart spioradail nuadh, �r-dhochas agus gr�dh do'n chinne-daonna, coimhiionadh nam f�isneabh o chian mu "Latha an Tighearna", "Latha Dh�".
Bah�'�s believe that Bah�'u'll�h is the Messenger of God for this age, the Promised One foretold in the scriptures of all religions. His Faith is not just one more creed to be added to all the conflicting religious systems in the world, but rather is a restatement of the eternal truths underlying all religions; a unifying force instilling a new spiritual vigour, a new hope and love for mankind the fulfilment of the prophecies of the past concerning "the day of the Lord", "the Day of God". |
Tha an saoghal an diugh air a stialladh as a ch�ile le roinntean is
str�, co-dhuibh an ann eadar cinnidh, rioghachdan, creidimhean no buidhnean
s�isealtach. Tha fuath is an-amharus a' bagairt theaghlaichean, chlachain,
bhailtean is rioghachdan iomian.
The world today is being torn apart by divisions, and strife, whether between races, nations, religions or social classes. Hatred and distrust threatens families, villages, towns and whole countries. |
Ann an saoghal a tha le bhith teicheadh nan fhaide is nas fhaide bho Dhia, a' fas
nas eu-comasaich air na h-uile a tha 'ga iadhadh a cheannsachadh, tha
Bah�'u'll�h a' togail gairm Dh� gu aonadh; gur aon gach uile
ch�arnaidh, "gur aon rioghachd an cruinne is gur an cinne-daonna air fad a
luchd-�iteachaidh". Tha e ag radh: "Is sibh measan na h-aon craoibhe,
duilleagan na h-aona geig, dithein na h-aona lis."
In a world which, by drawing further and further from God, is becoming more and more incapable of healing the ills which beset it, Bah�'u'll�h has raised the call of God to unity; that all regions are one, "the earth is one country and mankind its citizens". He says: "You are all the fruits of one tree, the leaves of one branch. the flowers of one garden". |
Tha a chreidhimh-san a tairgse didein do shaoghal tuiteamach is do
chreutairean tha briste, br�ite is mealita. Airfe adh an t-saoghail
gu l�ir tha daoine as gach cinneadh, buidheann rioghachd is aimhleasan
a sgar iad a chur an dara taobh, is a'saothrachradh a chum saoghal sitheil
agus aonaichte.
His Faith offers a refuge to a tottering civilisation and a sore, tried and disillusioned humanity. Throughout the world people from every race, class, nation and religion have heard the call of Bah�'u'll�h, have removed the hatreds and prejudices which separated them and are working for a world of peace and unity. |
Rughadh Bah�'u'll�h, tha ainm a'ciallachadh "Gl�ir
Dh�", ann an Persia ann an 1817. Air sg�th a theagaisg dh'fhuiliug
e beatha dh�ruinneach, cuing agus eilthireachd aig l�mhan
a naimhdean. Ann an 1890 am feadh 's a' bha e 'na phr�osanach ann
an daingneach 'Akk� ann an lsreal, labhair e na briathran a leanas
ri fear-turuis bho 'n �irde an iar:
Bah�'u'll�h, whose name means "The Glory of God" was born in Persia in 1817. Because of His teachings He endured a life of suffering, imprisonment and exile at the hands of His enemies. In 1890, while a prisoner in the Fortress of 'Akk� in Israel, He spoke these words to a visitor from the west: |
"Bu choir na h-uile rioghachdan a bhith mar aon an creidimh, agus na
h-uile dhaoine mar br�ithrean; am bann gr�idh agus aonaidh
eadar dhaoine a bhith air a neartachadh, eas-aonachd creidimh a thighinn
gu ceann, is eadar- dhealachadh chinneadh a chur a bith. D� an cron
a bhiodh an seo? Ach is ann mar seo a bhios. Thig gach stri neo-thorach
is cogadh mairbhteach gu ceann, is leanaidh an t-sith ro-mh�r iad.
Nach eil feum agaibhse 'san Roinn-E�rpa air an seo cuideachd? Nach
e seo a dh'fh�isnich Criosd? Is a dh'aindeoin sin nach fhaic sinn
r�ghrean agus luchd-riaghlaidh a' taomadh an ionmhais nas saoibhire
air meadhanan sgrios a' chinne-daonna, na air na nithean sin a mheudaicheadh
an sonas. Feumaidh an str� seo, sileadh-fala agus aimhreit a thighinn
gu crich agus na h-uile dhaoine bhith mar aon chinneadh agus aon theaghlach.
Na deanadh neach uaill a gr�dh d�thcha ach deanadh e uaill
a gr�dh do cho-chreutair."
"That all nations should become as one in faith and all men as brothers; that the bonds of affection and unity between the sons of men should be strengthened, that diversity of religion should cease and differences of race be annulled - what harm is there in this? ... Yet so it shall be; these fruitless strifes, these ruinous wars shall pass away and the 'Most Great Peace' shall come ... Do not you in Europe need this also? Is not this that which Christ foretold? ... Yet do we see your kings and rulers lavishing their treasures more freely on means for the destruction of the human race than on that which would conduce to the happiness of mankind ... These strifes and this bloodshed and discord must cease and all men be as one kindred and one family ... Let not a man glory in this, that he loves his country, let him rather glory in this, that he loves his kind ..." |
Dh'fhag Bah�'u'll�dh plana air mar a thigeadh luchd-�iteachaidh
nan t-saoghail gu aonadh � is e Rian Saoghail a' Bah�'u'll�dh
a theirear ris. Tha am plana a' sireadh gun gabhadh buidhean ionadail,
n�iseanta agus eadar-n�iseanta comp�irt ann an comunn
saoghail. Ann an c�rr is 70,000 �itean air feadh an t-saoghail,
mu choinneamh chomharraidhean air gu bheil an rian s�isealta, culturach
agus poiliticeach a briseadh sios, tha na Bah�'�s a' cur
an Rian Saoghalta Nuadh, anns a bheil a mh�in 'nam beachdsan, aon
dochas agus aon shaoradh a'chinne-daonna.
Bah�'u'll�h left a plan by which all the people of the world can be united. It is called the World Order of Bah�'u'll�h. The plan calls for local, national and international participation in a world community. In over 70,000 localities in the world, amidst the increasing signs of downfall of the present social, cultural and political order, Bah�'�s are building the New World Order which they believe offers the sole hope and salvation of humanity. |
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