Equal Status
It is a basic principle of the Bah�'� Faith that women should have
equal status with men. This principle was first stated 150 years ago.
"Divine Justice demands that the rights of both sexes should be
equally respected since neither is superior to the other in the eyes of
"God is the Creator of all mankind. He has endowed both sexes
with perfections and intelligence...He has created them equal: in His
estimate there is no question of sex. The one whose heart is purest,
whose deeds are most perfect, is acceptable to God, male or female..."
"Equality between men and women does not and physiologically
cannot mean they have identical functions. In some things women excel
men, in others men are better suited than women and in many things the
difference in sex is of no consequence at all."
"The entrance of women into all human departments is an
irrefutable and incontrovertible question. No soul can retard or
prevent it and in no movement will women be left behind."
Bah�'� marriage is a partnership, where decisions should be made by consulting together:
"There are times when a wife should defer to her husband, and times
when a husband should defer to his wife, but neither should ever
unjustly dominate the other."
"They are two helpmates, two friends, who should be concerned about the welfare of each other."
The purpose of the couple should be: "to become loving companions
and comrades and at one with each other for time and eternity."
"The difference of function is most apparent in family life. The capacity for motherhood has many far-reaching implications..."
"The great importance attached to the mother's role derives from
the fact that she is the first educator of the child. Her attitude, her
prayers, even what she eats and her physical condition have a great
influence on the child when it is still in the womb. When the child is
born, it is she who has been endowed by God with the milk which is the
first food designed for it, and it is intended that if possible she
should be with the baby to train and nurture it in its earliest days
and months."
"The concept of a Bah�'� family is based on the principle that
the man has primary responsibility for the financial support of the
family, and the woman is the chief and primary educator of the
children. This by no means implies that these functions are inflexibly
fixed nor does it mean that the place of women is confined to the home."
"It is up to each individual woman, if and when she becomes a
mother, to determine how best she can discharge on the one hand, her
primary responsibility as mother, and on the other, to the extent
possible, to participate in other aspects of the society of which she
forms a part."
"Daughters and sons must follow the same curriculum of study, thereby promoting unity of the sexes."
"If it be considered through the eye of reality, the training and
culture of daughters is more necessary than that of sons, for these
girls will come to the station of motherhood and will mould the lives
of the children."
Bringing Peace
"Only as women are welcomed into all fields of human endeavour
will the moral and psychological climate be created in which
international peace can emerge."
"The denial of equality perpetrates an injustice against one half
of the world's population and promotes in men harmful attitudes and
habits that are carried from the family to the workplace, to political
life and ultimately to international relations."
"The happiness and stability of human societies and their peace
and unity will be established only when the equality of men and women
is achieved and women are given equal opportunities to participate
fully in the administration of human affairs."
"Humanity is like a bird with its two wings...the one male, the
other female. Unless both wings are strong and impelled by some common
force, the bird cannot fly heavenwards."
The Bah�'� Contribution
The Bah�'� International Community, which has consultative status at
the United Nations, has on Office for the Advancement of Women which
promotes the status of women worldwide and works to improve their
living conditions. Local initiatives also flourish. In India, for
example, there are Bah�'� Vocational Training Institutes where women
learn to read and write, study basic nutrition and hygiene and learn a
useful craft. When they return to their villages they are not only able
to support themselves but have a positive influence on their
The New Age
"The world in the past has been ruled by force and man has
dominated over woman by reason of his more forceful and aggressive
qualities both of body and mind. But the scales are already shifting,
force is losing its weight, and mental alertness, intuition, and the
spiritual qualities of love and service, in which woman is strong, are
gaining ascendency. Hence the new age will be an age less masculine and
more permeated with the feminine ideals, or, to speak more exactly,
will be an age in which the masculine and feminine elements will be
more properly balanced."
Published by, and copyright of, the Spiritual Assembly of the Bah�'�s of Warwick.
Approved by the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bah�'�s of the United Kingdom, 27 Rutland Gate, London, SW7 1PD.
All quotations are from the Bah�'� writings.