The Great Master should be the educator of the world of humanity.
His teachings should be universal and confer illumination upon mankind.
His knowledge should be innate and spontaneous, not acquired.
He should answer the questions of all sages, solve the difficult problems of humanity, and be able to withstand all the persecutions and sufferings heaped upon him.
He should be a joy-bringer and the herald of the kingdom of happiness.
His knowledge should be infinite and his wisdom all-comprehensive.
The penetration of his Word and the potency of his influence should be so great as to humble his worst enemies.
Sorrows and tribulations must not vex him. His courage and conviction must be God-like. Day unto day he must become firmer and more zealous.
He should be the establisher of universal civilization, the unifier of religions, the standard-bearer of universal peace, and the embodiment of all the highest and noblest virtues of the world of humanity.
Whenever you find these conditions realized in a human temple, to him look for guidance and illumination ...
'Abdu'l-Bahá in Star of the West