The Bah�'� Calendar
The Bah�'� Calendar, also called the Bad� calendar, was established by the B�b in the Kit�b-i-Asm� and approved by Bah�'u'll�h, Who stated that it should start in 1844AD (AH1260). Holy Days The YearIt is based on the solar year of 365 days, five hours and some fifty minutes. Each year is divided into nineteen months of nineteen days each with four Intercalary Days (five in a leap year), called Ayy�m-i-H� which Bah�'u'll�h specified should precede the nineteenth month. New Year's Day (Naw R�z) falls on the Spring Equinox. This usually occurs on 21 March but if the Equinox falls after sunset on 21 March, Naw R�z is to be celebrated on 22 March because the Bah�'� day begins at sunset. The MonthsThe names of the months in the Bah�'� ( Bad�) calendar were given by the B�b, who drew them from the nineteen names of God invoked in a prayer said during the month of fasting in Sh�'ih Islam. They are:
The DaysThe days of the Bah�'� week are
The Bah�'� day of rest is Isiql�l (Friday) and the Bah�'� day begins and ends at sunset. Each of the days of the month is also given the name of one of the attributes of God. the names are the same as those of the nineteen months; thus Naw-R�z, the first day of the first month, would be considered the 'day of Bah� of the month Bah�'. If it fell on a Saturday, the first day of the Bah�'� week, it would also be the 'day of jal�l'. The Cycles (V�hid)In His Writings, revealed in Arabic, the B�b divided the years following the date of His Revelation into cycles of nineteen years each. Each cycle of nineteen years is called a V�hid; nineteen cycles constitute a period called Kull-i-Shay The names of the years in each cycle are:
Ayy�m-i-H�Literally, Days of H� (i.e. the letter H�, which in the abjad system has the numerical value of 5). Intercalary Days. The four days (five in a leap year) before the last month of the Bah�'� year, 'Alá', which is the month of fasting. Bah�'u'll�h designated the Intercalary days as Ayy�m-i-H� in the Kit�b-i-Aqdas and specified when they should be observed; the B�b left this undefined. The Ayy�m-i-H� are devoted to spiritual preparation for the fast, hospitality, feasting, charity and gift giving. The Holy DaysNaw R�zLiterally, New Day. The Bah�'� New Year. Like the ancient Persian New Year, it occurs on the spring equinox, which generally falls on 21 March. If the equinox falls after sunset on 21 March, Naw R�z is celebrated on 22 March, since the Bah�'� day begins at sunset. For the present, however, the celebration of Naw R�z is fixed on 21 March. In the Bah�'� calandar, Naw R�z falls on the day of Bah� of the month of Bah�. The Festival of Naw R�z marks the end of the month of fasting and is a joyous time of celebration. It is a Bah�'� Holy Day on which work is to be suspended. Why a new Calendar?Every new religion has its own calendar and the Bah�'� Faith is no different. The Gregorian calendar currently in use in the west is quite unscientific, as the "months" are a throwback to the days when people used the phases of the moon to mark the passage of time (the moon goes through its phases in 29 days). "Month" may be considered short for "moonth". The names of our months were assigned to show respect to various Roman deities and emperors, ie., June for the goddess Juno, July for Julius Caesar, August for Augustus Ceasar. September, October, November, and December mean "7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th" as they were the 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th months originally. So why are we still showing our respect for Roman Emperors? Isn't it time to adopt a calendar based on the Sun, rather than the moon? And instead of honoring ancient deities, the Bah�'� months are named for attributes of God. Similarly, our days of the week are named for attributes of the one true God, instead of honoring the sun god, moon god and mythological gods such as Woden, Thor, and Saturn. Judge objectively for yourself which calendar is more appropriate for today.This discription of the gregorian calendar was in answer to a question on the newsgroup soc.religion.bahai Parts of this Page have been copied from "A Basic Bah�'� Dictionary" Back to Graham's Bah�� Pages Web Page originally by Graham Sorenson; used and reworked with permission. |